Friday, May 11, 2012

X-men Forever Part 3 Sentemio

                                     X-men Forever part 3 Sentemio                         In the headmasters office... Pro.X: Storm please talk to me. Storm sits in silence... Pro.X: Storm you have failed before. Storm:....... Pro.X: Storm Cyclops finished the mission. Why don't you go and say hi to everyone. Storm: I.. I.. Just can't face them. Pro.X: Why not? Storm: I let them all down. They will never forgive me. Pro.X: Of course they will forgive you, everyone is worried about you. Storm: I am going to my room. Pro.X: No! Storm you have to face this! You just can't sit up in your room all day felling depressed. You have to go out there and talk to your team, they will understand. Storm: No they wouldn't! They don't trust me! I don't trust me! I almost got the whole team killed! We barely made it out alive! Storm walks out the door and goes up to her room. Pro.X: Storm Wait!                                     In the Danger room. Shadowcat and Iceman are training. Iceman: Soooooo it's just you and me Kitty. Shawodcat: And the Danger Room! Iceman: Ha ha. A large spiky ball is about to hit Iceman then Shadowcat jumps and saves him. Iceman: Thank you.  Shadowcat: No problem. All of a sudden Iceman kisses Shadowcat. ?: Hello Love birds. Shadowcat: Danger stop snooping on us I am going to tell Cyclops! ?: But I'm not Danger I am Senteimo. Iceman: Snte who? Senteimo: Senteimo! You Dumbo! Iceman: Hay! Not nice. Shadowcat: Come on Iceman let's get out of here. Shadowcat and Iceman walk to the door but it isn't opening. Shadowcat: It's not opening. I will try to go through it. Shadowcat walks through it but gets electrocuted. Shadowcat: Owwwwwwwww! Iceman: What happened? Shadowcat: I got electrocuted. They have Electric waves all over the place. Senteimo: And if you touch one again you will die! Shadowcat: Alright Senteimo show your self! Senteimo: Sorry I would but I have other orders. Iceman: What does that mean? Shadowcat: It means there after the other X-men.                                            In the Headmaster's office Pro.X is talking to Moira and Danger. Pro.X: I called this meeting because of Storm. Moira: She won't even come out of her room, Or even let any one in. Danger: She does not even talk or come down for dinner. Pro.X: I know. All of a sudden Pro.X weal chair starts to move, then the floor opens and Pro.X, Moira, and Danger  fall. Moira: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  The floor closes and Magneto, Colossus, and Jubilee comes in Magneto: Charles are you okay I heard screaming! Colossus: There gone! Magneto: Noooooooooooooooooooo! Jubilee: What happened, they couldn't have just vanished. Magneto and Colossus look at each other. Magneto and Colossus: Vanished! Jubilee: We should get the other X-men in here. Magneto: Sure, I will call them on the loud speaker. Jubilee: No! Colossus: Why? Jubilee: Because I want to. Magneto: ( Annoyed Voice) Fine. Jubilee: Yesssss! Colossus: (Annoyed Voice also) Just do it. Jubilee ( On louder speaker): X-men in the Head masters office. NOW!  Jubilee: See was that so bad. Magneto and Colossus shake there heads. All the X-men get in the room Cyclops: Where is he? Magneto: We where wondering the same. Havoc: Where is Storm? Polaris: ( annoyed voice) Up in her room. Marvel Girl: How do you know? Polaris: Because I was outside this morning when she stormed out. Jubilee: (giggling) You said she stormed out and she is storm! Marvel Girl: How do you know she is still in there? Polaris: And I heard them earlier they were saying how depressed she is and how she never comes out of her room. Colossus: where is Shadowcat and Iceman? Polaris: Smooching. Colossus: You have no proof. Polaris: Yes I do I was in the control room for the Danger room setting my training when I saw Shadowcat and Iceman kissing. Did you hear me Kissing. That is spelled K.I.S.S.I.N.G. Colossus: Stop it! Polaris: Why, are you defending your ex girlfriend for kissing a dumbo! Colossus: I said Stop It! Wolverine: Stop it both of you! We have to look for the professor. Phoenix: It looks like Moira and Danger are missing too. Cyclops: Let's split up and try to find them. Wolverine: Fine I take Phoenix that's your name now right. Phoenix: Yes. Wolverine: Sorry, First your name is Marvel Girl then it's Phoenix then it's your real name Jean Grey and after you married Cyclops you changed it back to Phoenix. Here's another question why is your name Phoenix, when you don't even have the Phoenix force,which is also the thing that was about destroy the world and it killed you? Phoenix: Um um? Cyclops: Stop it! Phoenix is coming with me, along with Colossus,Gambit,Jubilee, and Warpath. Wolverine: I will take Psylocke,Angel,CannonBall,Rouge,and Magneto. Beast: I will take some of the others to investigate in here. Cyclops: All right. Cyclops and Wolverine's team leave the room. Beast: All right look for clues.                             Wolverine's team. Magneto: How are we going to find them? Wolverine: The nose knows. CannonBall: But Pro.X was In his office when he vanished. Psylocke: That's why the others are searching for clues. Cannonball: But shouldn't we all be in there looking for clues? Angel: She means that if the person who kidnapped them got out before we got in. Psylocke: Thanks.Wolverine: Sniff Sniff. I smell someone. Rouge: Who? Wolverine: I don't know? A blast comes and hits Wolverine's team. Psylocke: what was that?Wolverine: I don't know? CannonBall: Maybe we should go the way the blast came from. Angel: Great idea! The X-men go to the direction where the blast came from. Then another blast comes, but this time the X-men dodge it but another comes, they dodge it again. Sentemio: Go away X-men! Or die! Wolverine: Never! Psylocke: Who are you? Sentemio: I am Sentemio! Wolverine's team: Sent who? Sentemio: Sentemio Sentemio! How could you get that wrong! Never mind that. You will have ALOT of time to think of it in the afterlife! CannonBall: Wolverine will not die he has healing factor. Rouge: Shut Up! Sentemio: Well I can destroy any mutant on earth. Who am I kidding I can destroy any mutant in the whole universe! And the universe is a big place. Sentemio launches a big blast and knocks out everyone out cold. Sentemio: Don't worry this will be all over when I get all the X-men. Wolverine: Ugggggggg. Sentemio Carries the X-men out.                                                         Cyclops's team. Jubilee: If I where kidnaping a bald telepath who founded one of the best teams in history. Where would I hide him? Warpath: Under the floor. Jubilee: Maybe your right! Warpath: I was being sarcastic. Jubilee: Oh… Don't you trick me like that again! You here me! Warpath: yes. Loud and clear. Phoenix: Quit it you two. Jubilee and Warpath: Ok. Phoenix: (giggling) Alright. Cyclops: What's so funny? Phoenix: Because they are having in fun. Cyclops gives Phoenix a smirk, she gives him one back. But then a blast comes and almost kills the X-men. Gambit: What was that!? Colossus: I think someone tried to kill us. Cyclops: No kidding! Phoenix: Maybe we should go the way the blast came from. Cyclops: Sure let's go. Jubilee: Wait wait wait! This could be a trap. WarPath: I agree with Jubilee. This could be a trap. Cyclops: How do we know if we don't check it out. Warpath: (Annoyed voice) Fine. But we warned you. The X-men walk towards the way the blast came from. Gambit: Shhhhh. Phoenix: What is it? Gambit: I heard something. Probably my imagination. Phoenix: Probably. Sentemio: Go away or die! Cyclops: Never! Jubilee: BTW. What's your name? Sentemio: Sentemio. All of Cyclops team: Sente Who? Sentemio: Sentemio! Sentemio! Why does everyone get it wrong! Do I have to spell it out! Even my creators get it wrong. Never mind that you will have ALOT of time to get it right. In the afterlife! WarPath: Alright creepy robot, your going down! WarPath punches Sentemio. Sentemio: That tickled. Sentemio kicks and punches WarPath, and knocks him out. Sentemio: one down 5 more to go. Cyclops blasts Sentemio, but Sentemio reflects it and hits Phoenix. Cyclops: Phoenix!!!!!!!! Sentemio: Cyclops I know all about you and the other X-men, that's why I can protect myself from you and destroy you at the same time, isn't it wonderful. Actually not for you. But for me, that counts. Jubilee: Actually not! Jubilee runs over and flips Sentemio on the ground. Sentemio get's back up and grabs Jubilee. Sentemio: I'v heard of you. Your the vampire ex-mutant, who is a member of the X-men. What did you do, trade your fireworks for a pair of fangs! Jubilee: Not my fault I lost my powers after M-day! And got bite! Sentemio: What are you going to do now, bit me! Well news flash vamp I am made out of metal! Sentemio throws Jubilee on the ground. Sentemio: Who's next?! Sentemio unleashes a poisonous gas that knocks Gambit and Cyclops. Sentemio: I have located the other X-men. ?: Good now kill them! Cyclops: Ugggggg. Sentemio: Pipe down! Want to wake the whole mansion.              Beast's team........ Dr. Cecile Rays: I think I found something! Beast: What is it?! Dr. Cecile Rays: My earring! Polaris: ( Sarcastic) Great now we have one less lonely earring in the world . Cecile: Hay! My other earring was getting lonely. Polaris: Your a doctor! Now help us, instead of looking for your earring! Cecile: For your information, I found my earring. Polaris: Then loose it agin! Cecile: Well I don't even want to be here! I don't even want to be apar... Beast: That's enough  girls! We have to search for clues. Polaris and Cecile: ( Annoyed voices) Fine! The floor opens again and all the X-men in the room fall down. Sentemio: Now I can start faze 4.          To be Continued.......