Tuesday, April 24, 2012

X-men Forever part 2 Battle Marks

                                          X-men forever part 2 Battle marks                                         Right now in the recovery room....                                              Magneto: What happened. Pro.X: All of you in this room where knocked out by the sentinel. Magneto: oh. Pro.X: Here come the visitors! All the other       X-men come in. Phoenix: Hi, is everyone ok? Iceman: No! Other wise we wouldn't be here! Phoenix: Oh, sorry. Cyclops: Hey! Don't talk to her that way! Iceman: Sorry! Cyclops: For what? Iceman: That your wife is an airhead! Cyclops:Take that back, you little. Beast: Hey stop you two! Psylocke runs and hugs Angel Psylocke: Thank goodness your alive! Angel: I missed you too. All of a sudden  Moira McTagger walks in. Moira McTagger: All right everyone out. All the X-men: Awwwwwwwwww. The X-men leaves the room. Moira: All right I looked at your X-ray no  long term  damage, all of you can be out of here in approximate 3 days. Magneto: What! We have duties! Iceman: (giggling) you said Doodie. Beast: Not now Iceman. Moira: Actually you get out of the recovery room in 3 days. You can go on missions in about, 1 month. Rouge: 1 month! Moira: Maybe not you Rouge. Magneto: What about me? Moria: Well you hit your back pretty hard when you fell, and broke your back so we had to do surgery. Shadowcat: Wait, how long have we been in here? Moira: About 3 weeks. Rouge: 3 weeks! Moira: yes, you guys got hit pretty bad. Magneto: And we have to wait a month to go in action! Iceman: Maybe this is good. Beast: How is this good? Iceman: Because we have time to our self's. Angel: Maybe your right. Rouge: What! Iceman: come on we never have time to our self's, And let's enjoy it. Shadowcat: at least Wolverine Didn't get hurt this bad. Beast: remember he has heeling factor. Shadowcat: Your right. Moria: All right all of you get some rest. Moira leaves the Room and all the X-men in the room go to bed.                                                           Now at the war room, Cyclops,Phoenix,Namor,WarPath,Emma Frost, Havoc,Psylocke, Armor, Polaris, and Wolverine are getting ready to go on a mission. Namor: So tell me again, what this mission is about? Cyclops: We are going back to the factory. Armor: Why?Cyclops: Because we need to stop project Sentinel. Armor: If Storm's team couldn't do it, we can't! Cyclops: Because we have a bigger team. Havoc: No we don't. Cyclops: Yes we do. We already have some other members there. Havoc: Oh. Cyclops: All we need is to wait for the Signal, which won't be for a little bit. Cyclops sits down then a alarm goes off WarPath: What is that? Cyclops: The Signal. Phoenix: It went ALOT faster then you excepted. All the X-men in the War Room go in the jet.                                                Later at the Factory, Cyclops's team arrives and meets up with the other team members. Witch are Domino, Danger, Colossus, Gambit,CannonBall, Jubilee,And Pixy. Armor: Wow, All of them can do it but Storm's larger team Can't.Phoenix: Armor stop it! Armor: Sorry! Domino: It's ok I like the fans. The X-men go in. Wolverine: The place isn't as covered with security like like last time. Phoenix: Maybe it's a trap. All of a sudden a bunch of Sentinels come down. Phoenix: Told you. Cyclops blast one Sentinel and falls down. Polaris rips two sentinels apart, Colossus grabs on by it's feet and trips it. Havoc blast three down and Wolverine takes out the last one. Jubilee: Yes! We did it! Wolverine: That was easy too easy. Jubilee: Wolverine stop being a buzz kill. Cyclops: Yah Wolverine. Wolverine: Do you wanna go Four eyes. Phoenix: Stop it you two! Danger: I just planted the bomb, Phoenix: Were there any people in there? Danger: There where some but I got them out before I planted the bomb. Phoenix: Everyone get out of here the factory is about to blow sky high. The X-men go into the BlackBird and fly away while the factory blows up.                              Some where else two men are talking ( the same people as last time) ?2: It worked sir. ?1: Yes they fell for my plan. They think they blew up our main factory but they only blew up the decoy. And now they can't bug us any more and we keep making Sentinels, and they don 't know because they think they blew up project Sentinel. ?2: Is it time? ?1: Yes start faze 3.                             Back at the X-mansion in the recovery room Jubilee is telling the others what happened Jubilee: you should of seen it the explosion was so big we saw it 1500 feet in the air. Rouge: Sounds like you at ALOT of fun y'all. Jubilee: You bet we did, I wish you guys where there. When will you guys get out of here? Magneto: Tomorrow. Jubilee: Yes! Now you guys can go on missions with us again. Beast: not until another month. Jubilee: Awwwwwwwwwww Moira: Alright time for you to go now Jubilee. Jubilee: Double Awwwwwwwwww. Jubilee leaves the room. Moira: Alright time for a cheek up. Moira gets out her doctor gear and does a cheek up. Moira: Alright I looked at your x-ray for all of of you, Rouge your healing factor helped you ALOT so you might be in action by next week and for the rest of you can be in action in less then Two weeks? That must not be right let me look again. Wow I can't Believe it someone must one must be looking out for you. Emma Frost Walks in with one of the mutant students. Emma: He felt bad about how you got hurt so he helped by healing you. Moira: Want to finish healing them. the student does and all the X-men in the recovery room are heeled. Moira: Thank's lad, Maybe you can help me more. Shadowcat: Got to go tell Jubilee! Everyone leaves the room but something in the shadows lurks. ?: Destroy all X-men.                                             To be continued.....

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